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Have you ever been interested in becoming a part of the world’s oldest fraternity? Some men have wondered why they’ve never been invited to join the Masonic fraternity. Unlike most organizations, our fraternity does not actively seek out or solicit new members. This way, it allows each man to decide for himself, of his own free will, whether or not membership is something that appeals to him. If so, all he needs to do to begin the process is ask.

What are the requirements to join?

Membership within our fraternity is not limited to any particular race, religion, culture, income level, or social status. It is open to all men equally. There are only a few basic qualifications that a man must meet in order to be able to join.


  • He must make a declaration of his belief in a Supreme Being, though how he worships is up to him. Virtually all religions and denominations are welcome.
  • He must be capable of reading and writing in English.
  • He must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral and social standing.
  • He must have resided within the state of Illinois for at least six months.
How do I join?

This day in age, with all the information (and a lot of misinformation) available at your fingertips via the Internet, there can still be some confusion regarding how to join. Again, all you need to do is ask. There are a couple of ways you may go about this. We openly invite you to be our guest and join us for dinner before one of our monthly stated meetings. We meet on the first and thrid Monday of every month and dinner is served at 6:30 pm. Bring any questions that you might have about Freemasonry and we’ll be happy to answer anything we can. We love our fraternity and want to put honest, real answers to any question you might have. We would recommend emailing our Secretary or Worshipful Master beforehand so we know that you’re coming.


Alternatively, you’re welcome to email our Secretary or Worshipful Master at any time with questions you might have, and he will be happy to assist you regarding the next steps towards membership.

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